26-29 Jun 2022 Lille (France)

Invited Speakers

Leonid Sheps, Sandia National Laobratory (Livermore, Californie) - Time resolved quantitative detection or reaction intermediates at elevated pressures and temperatures

Pei-Ling Luo, IAMS (Taipei, Taiwan) - Mid-infrared time-resolved dual-comb spectroscopy: A new approach to kinetic and product studies in gas-phase reactions

Weidong Chen, LPCA (Dunkerque, France) -Optical metrology of atmospheric species by spectroscopy : from lab to field campaigns

Harold Linnartz, Leiden Observatory (Leiden, Netherlands) - Plasma tools to characterize molecular transients of astrophysical interest

Henrik Grum Kjærgaard, University of Copenhagen (Danmark)- Atmospheric Autoxidation via fast Peroxy Radical Hydrogen Shift Reactions

Jérôme Loreau, KU Leuven ( Belgium) - Molecular excitation induced by water in cometary atmospheres

Fred Winiberg, Jet Propulsion Laboratory ( Pasadena, California) - In-situ and Remote Sensing Techniques Applied to the Lab, the Stratosphere and the International Space Station

Andy Ruth, Cork University (Ireland) -  Cavity-Enhanced Methods with Broadband (Incoherent) Light Sources

Eleanor Waxman, NOAA (Boulder) - Fiber lasers in the field - trace gas measurements from the boundary layer to the lower stratosphere

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