26-29 Jun 2022 Lille (France)


QUADMARTS is dedicated to new methods and applications for product determination in elementary reactions and photodissociation processes with applications at low and high temperatures for astrochemistry, atmospheric chemistry and combustion. In the last years, experimental devices as well as theoretical tools have been developed to quantitatively address the issue of product branching ratios under a large variety of physical conditions in the different scientific communities cited above. From an experimental point of view, quantitative information can be obtained by several approaches, including photoionization or electron spectroscopy combined with mass spectrometry, optical spectroscopy and microwave spectroscopy..

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4th workshop



QUADMARTS is an International Research Networks (IRN) organized between French and foreign partners, funded by the CNRS and all Member Partners. The main purpose is to organize joint seminars, workshops and mobilities between partners.

Following workshops at Caltech in 2018, Nancy in 2019, Rennes in 2021, the 4th workshop of the network will take place in 2022 Lille. It is organzed by the PC2A laboratory and will take place at the CERLA facility located on the campus Cité Scientifique. We hope to see you there!




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